Rape cases are increasing day by day?

Not only in Nepal, but through out the world, rape has become the most common criminal activity nowadays. The general term that has been given to the rape is Balatkari in Nepal and around the countries. And rapist in the english countries. When a person is being raped her emotion and dignity are also being raped. It put a person in such a horrifying and traumatic situation from where it is hard for that person to escape. It is a heinous crime that not only affects the victim but also the society as a whole. There is no single definition that could define rape because sometimes it breaks all the limitations that a person could imagine.

The alleged gang rape of a tourist with Brazilian-Spanish dual nationality in the eastern Indian state of Jharkhand has led to outrage.The 28-year-old woman and her husband, who were on a motorbike tour, had stopped for the night in Dumki district when the alleged attack took place.Police say that they have arrested four men and are searching for three more.The identities of the men, who are also accused of beating the woman’s partner, have not been disclosed yet.The couple had travelled to several parts of Asia on their motorbikes before arriving in India a few months ago.Over the weekend, the woman posted a video on their Instagram page which has 234,000 followers.

The videos are no longer up on their page.

The WOREC report in 2021 says, “A total of 17,790 women and girls were raped in the last ten years and it has been found that cases of rape have been increasing every year by 20 per cent.” Nepal Police registered 144 cases of rape and 687 cases of attempts to rape in the last fiscal year.

According to the Bereau of justice status, rapes in USA has skyrocated during this 10-year-period as they were aggregated into a single data set consisting of 1,082 cases which represent a national total of 1.5 million instances of rape or attempted rape. Only about half the victims of rape or attempted rape surveyed stated that the crime had been reported to the police.

Two-thirds of all rapes and rape attempts occurred at night, with the largest proportion occurring between 6 p.m. and midnight. Most victims of rape or attempted rape were white and young; the ages with the highest victimization rates for rape and attempted rape were 16 to 24. More than half of all victims had never been married and most were members of low-income families. The most frightening form of rape, an assault by a total stranger, was the most common.

More than 75 percent of all rapes involved one victim and one offender, and most offenders were unarmed. Most victims offered some form of resistance. The most common responses to the situation were trying to get help; resisting physically; to threatening, arguing, or reasoning with the offender; or resisting without force. The total cost of medical expenses reported was almost $72 million. Sixteen tables showing study data are included.

But the main problem is that not all the people can take a stand for themselves. They love in a constant fear that if they open up or file a complaint against their rapist then, the society cannot accept them as they live in a male dominent society. Suppose if they file a case against these man despite being humiliated and tortured by the society members then also the rapist only will have hardly few years of jail and then can live freely without any tension from the society. (This type of behaviour is mainly common in the context of Underdeveloped and developing countries and also the countries of Asia.)

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