Mental Health crisis in Nepal? All about Mental Health.

In many parts of the world, mental health’s awareness is lacking. Even the people aged group 10 is seen to have suffered from mental health problems like anxiety and depression.Not only that, many people all around the globe die by doing suicide as they suffer from depression. Why is nobody spreading awareness related to this …

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Dhirendrakrishna Shastri: Bageshwor Dham Baba, in Kathmandu.

Renowned Hindu Spiritual Leader, Bageshwar Baba, Dhirendrakrishna Shastri, Arrives in Kathmandu, Nepal. He came from New Delhi to Kathmandu on Bhadra,1/ 18th august. His real name is Dhirendrakrishna Shastri. He is a Spiritual leader of Sanatan Dharma who is widely famous all across the globe. He is widely revered as Baba Bageshwar Dham Sarkar among …

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Eye flue spreading in Nepal.

After the covid-19 incident and 3 years of lockdown another disease called Eye flue is spreading throughout the world especially in the Asian countries like Nepal and India. During this monsoon, a virus is spreading throughout the country from the Terai to the mountains. Many people are getting infected by it. During the rainy season, …

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Moon Mission: India’s latest moon mission, Chandrayaan-3, enters moon orbit.

Today, the Chandrayaan-3 mission achieved a crucial milestone with the successful completion of the Lunar Orbit Insertion (LOI). The insertion was carried out by retro-burning at the Perilune for 1835 seconds, starting at 19:12 Hrs IST Recently, India launched a new mission in the moon’s orbit called Chandrayaan-3. It was said that the satellite would be the …

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Eye Flu spreading in many parts of the world.

Conjunctivitis, often known as eye fluid, is a very infectious eye disease that affects many. In addition to being typically viral, eye flu can also be bacterial or allergic eye infection. Due to the sudden change in the weather conditions, many kinds of diseases are spreading among people. Mainly the diseases of flus such as …

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Aliens: US confirmed about the existance of Aliens.

Congress just heard 3 retired Air Force members testify about UFOs and ‘non-human biologics’(Aliens) and America is totally unsurprised. Recently, US released a big and shocking news to the public and confirmed the existance of Aliens. During a remarkable congressional hearing, former American intelligence official David Grusch revealed that the US government conducted a “multi-decade” …

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Elon Musk:Twitter is now “X”.

After Elon Musk became the owner of twitter, he has been seen doing some weird things to twitter from the blue tick changes to limiting the tweets per day. Now Musk has decided to change the logo of Twitter from the blue flying bird to a black X. After Musk became the owner, there has …

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